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Internship Application Requirements

ODTU library organizes internship programs to follow the development of librarianship profession whose definition and responsibilities change rapidly within years and to strengthen the collaboration of interenterprise.  Students are accepted to the internship program according to the capacity determined by the information and document management*.

The requirements below are to be taken into consideration for the applications;

-          Intern applicants must be at least third year student.

-          Intern applicants’ GPA must be at least 3.00 (out of 4.00).

-          Intern applicants must have general information about library services.

-          Intern applicants cannot get accepted if they did their internship at ODTU library before.

-          Internship applications are done via departments’ internship coordinators.

There are two different internship periods in the library which are winter time (from January to May) and summer time (from June to September). Internship applicants must be done until 15th of November for the winter period and 31st of March for the summer period at the latest.  The students, who are accepted to the internship program, must personally submit the required documents to ODTU Library Corporate Communication Department until 23th of December for the winter period and 25th of April for the summer period at the latest.

The documents that must be submitted in the internship application;

-          Internship application form (click for the form),

-          A portrait

-          An official transcript

-          CV

-          Compulsory internship document taken from the university (The student will submit one copy to the library).

-          A document which shows that the intern student will get the insurance from his/her current university during the internship period (click here for the insurance statement sample)

-          Petitions and insurance statement samples are must be printed on the letterheaded papers with the contact information of the departments.

NOTE: ODTU library is not responsible for the harboring, transportation and food needs of the interns who come from other cities.  However, they can get in contact with cafeteria department and social foundations complex. To get more detailed information you can get in contact with corporate communication department.

*You can learn the details of 14 weeks internship created after an agreement between ODTU library and Hacettepe University Information and Document Management from our internship coordinators and/or ODTU library corporate communication department.