Amaç ve Kapsam
Madde 1- ODTÜ bünyesinde oluşturulan Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv (AEKA) sistemi üniversite mensup ve öğrencileri tarafından üretilen bilimsel ve entelektüel bilginin derlenmesi, uzun dönem korunarak erişim sürekliliğinin sağlanması ve geniş kitlelerle paylaşılmasını hedefler. Bu yönerge, ODTÜ AEKA sisteminin kurulması, işletilmesi ile bilimsel ve entelektüel bilgi kaynaklarının bu sisteme aktarılmasına ilişkin esas ve usulleri düzenler.
Madde 2- Bu yönerge, 2547 sayılı Yükseköğretim Kanunu’nun 4/c ve 12/c Maddeleri ile Yükseköğretim Kurulu Üniversiteler İçin Model Açık Bilim Politikası’na, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Açık Bilim Politikası’na, ODTÜ Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Kopyalarının Teslim Alınması, Saklanması ve Erişime Açılması Hakkında Yönerge’sine dayanılarak hazırlanmıştır. Aynı zamanda kişisel verilerin paylaşımı konusunda 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu’na uygunluğu esas alınır.
Madde 3- Yönergede geçen kısaltmalar ve tanımlar
⦁ Kısaltmalar
⦁ OpenMETU: ODTÜ Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Akademik Arşiv Sistemi
1) AEKA: Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Arşiv Sistemi
2) ODTÜ: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
ç. Üniversite: Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
1) KDDB: Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı
2) BİDB: Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı
3) GİSAM: Görsel İşitsel Sistemler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi
4) TÜBİTAK: Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştırma Kurumu
ğ. OCW: Open Courseware
⦁ Tanımlar
a) ODTÜ Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Arşiv Sistemleri: OpenMETU, ODTÜ Görsel İşitsel Arşiv Sistemi, METU Open Courseware’i kapsar.
a. OpenMETU: ODTÜ Açık erişimli akademik arşiv sistemidir.
b. Arşivleme: ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencilerinin bilimsel ve entelektüel katkıda bulunduğu bilimsel çalışmalar ve ODTÜ’de üretilen görsel ve işitsel kaynakların OpenMETU’da depolanma sürecidir.
ç) Açık Erişim: ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencileri tarafından gerçekleştirilmiş bilimsel çalışmaya ücret ödemeden, herhangi bir engelle karşılaşmadan, elektronik ortamda erişebilme olanağıdır.
a. Açık Bilim: Her türlü bilimsel bilginin, bilimsel yayınların, araştırma verilerinin ve diğer bilimsel çıktılarının ücretsiz erişilebilmesi, yeniden kullanılması ve üretilmesidir.
b. Ön Baskı (Preprint veya Author’s Original Manuscript): Bir makalenin ya da bilimsel çalışmanın yayınlanması amacıyla herhangi bir derginin hakem/editör heyetinin değerlendirme sürecinden geçmemiş ilk biçimidir.
c. Son Baskı (Postprint veya Accepted Manuscript): Bir makalenin ya da bilimsel çalışmanın hakem/editör heyetinin değerlendirmesinden ve düzenlemesinden geçerek yayınlanmasına karar verilmiş son biçimidir.
d. Ambargo: AEKA sisteminde yer alan ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencilerine ait bilimsel ve entelektüel çalışmaların çeşitli sebeplerle (makale yayınlama, patent başvurusu kurumsal ve ulusal çıkarlar vb.) en az 6 ay en fazla 24 ay erişime kapalı kalmasıdır.
ğ) ODTÜ Kütüphanesi Görsel İşitsel Arşiv Sistemi: Kuruluşundan günümüze ODTÜ’de veya ODTÜ’ye ilişkin üretilmiş olan görsel ve işitsel içeriğin arşivlendiği ve erişime sunulduğu sistemdir.
a. Bilimsel ve Entelektüel Çalışmalar: ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencilerinin araştırmaları, aldıkları fonlar ve üretici/yaratıcı faaliyetleri sonucu ortaya çıkardıkları; makale, tez, kitap/kitap bölümü, görsel işitsel materyal, bildiri, sunum, proje, tasarım, rapor, patent, ders materyali, yazılım ürünü gibi çalışmalarıdır.
ı) ORC ID: Araştırmacıları benzersiz olarak tanımlayan ve bilimsel faaliyetler arasında otomatik bağlantıyı destekleyen kalıcı bir dijital tanımlayıcıdır.
a. OpenAIRE: Avrupa'daki açık erişim uygulamalarını desteklemek amacını güder ve harmanladığı kurumsal arşivlerin içeriğini bir arayüzden erişime sunar.
a. Yeşil Yol: Yazarın, hakemli yayınlarının elektronik kopyasını açık erişimli bir arşiv üzerinden erişime sunmasıdır.
a. Altın Yol: Yazarların, hakemli yayınlarını açık erişimli bir dergide yayınlamalarıdır.
a. Creative Commons Lisans: Creative Commons, entellektüel, kültürel ya da sanatsal yaratıcı çalışmaların kullanımı ve paylaşımını mümkün kılan, kâr amacı gütmeyen bir organizasyondur. Yayının diğer araştırmacılar tarafından her türlü kullanımını engellemek yerine, gerekirse başka çalışmalara temel oluşturmasına izin verildiğini belirten lisanstır.
Madde 4- Bu yönerge, ODTÜ akademik ve idari personelini, lisans ve lisansüstü öğrencilerini; Fakülte ve Enstitüleri, Araştırma Merkezlerini, KDDB, BİDB ve GİSAM’ı kapsamaktadır. Ayrıca Üniversite dışından açık ders gibi kaynaklarıyla AEKA sistemine katılmak mümkündür.
Madde 5- ODTÜ AEKA sistemlerine eklenecek bilimsel ve entelektüel kaynaklar aşağıda belirtilen ilgili sisteme aktarılır. Telif hakları / ambargo gereğince hiçbir şekilde yayımlanamayan bilimsel ve entelektüel çalışmaların ise yalnızca bibliyografik bilgileri sisteme aktarılır.
5.1- OpenMETU Sistemine aktarılacak kaynak türleri;
⦁ Makaleler,
⦁ Tezler,
⦁ Kitap ve kitap bölümleri,
ç. Kongre, konferans ve seminerle ilgili bildiri ve sunumlar,
⦁ Ulusal / uluslararası proje ve tasarımlar,
⦁ Teknik ve istatistiksel raporlar,
⦁ Patent / faydalı model belgeleri,
⦁ Açık dersler ve ders kaynakları,
ğ. Çeşitli yazılım ürünleri (oyun, benzetim sanal/artırılmış gerçeklik),
⦁ Araştırma verileri.
5.2- ODTÜ Kütüphanesi Görsel İşitsel Arşiv Sistemi’ne aktarılacak kaynak türleri;
a. Belgesel, görüşme, video, fotoğraf, tarihi belgeler, efemeralar,
b. Konferans, panel, sempozyum, çalıştay, söyleşi ve sunumlar,
c. ODTÜ günü, mezunlar günü, diploma töreni, bahar şenlikleri, anma törenleri ve ağaç dikme şenlikleri gibi etkinlikler,
ç. Konser, tiyatro, festivaller vb. kültür-sanat etkinliklerine ilişkin görsel işitsel kaynaklardır.
5.3- Open Courseware Sistemi’ne aktarılacak kaynak türü:
⦁ Eğitim materyalleri
Yetki ve Sorumluluklar Madde 6- Akademik, İdari Personel ve Öğrenciler;
a. ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencileri, katkı sağladıkları bilimsel ve entelektüel çalışmalarının ön baskı, son baskı veya yayıncı baskısının, yayıncının izin verdiği koşullar doğrultusunda OpenMETU Sistemi’nde depolamaktan sorumludur.
a. ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencileri, birden fazla kurumdan birden fazla yazarla işbirliği ile hazırladıkları çalışmaları OpenMETU Sistemi’nde depolayabilir. Birden fazla ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencisi tarafından gerçekleştirilmiş çok yazarlı çalışmalarda ise kaynağı yazarlardan birisi, DOI numarası ve diğer yazarların isimlerini de ekleyerek OpenMETU sistemine aktarır.
a. ODTÜ mensup ve öğrencileri katkı sağladıkları bilimsel çalışmalar ile ilgili ambargo süresi en fazla 6 ay; bu süre, sosyal bilimler ve beşeri bilimlerle ilgili yayınlar için 12 olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu sürenin sonunda yayınlar erişime açılır. Tezlerin ambargo süresi için “ODTÜ Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Kopyalarının Teslim Alınması, Saklanması ve Erişime Açılması Hakkında Yönerge” ‘nin ilgili maddesine bakınız.
Madde 7- KDDB
Sorumlu personel, OpenMETU Sistemi’ne aktarılan çalışmaların kontrollerini yaptıktan sonra uygun görülen yayınları erişime açar. Gerekli durumlarda düzeltmeler için yayın sahibine başvurur.
a. Tam metin yayınlar OpenMETU Sistemin’de yer almadan önce tüm telif izinleri sorumlu personel tarafından ilgili veritabanından kontrol eder.
a. ODTÜ, mensup ve öğrencilerinin yayınlarını değerlendirirken yalnızca üst veri veya tam metinleri OpenMETU Sistemi’ne yüklediklerini kontrol eder. Yayınların yüklenmemesi halinde yazarlarla iletişime geçerek yayının OpenMETU’ya yüklenmesi için hatırlatmada bulunur.
a. OpenMETU Sistemi’nin içeriğini zenginleştirmek için telif hakları doğrultusunda geriye dönük olarak içerik yüklemesi yapar.
ç. Akademik veri sistemlerinde olup, OpenMETU Sistemi’nde olmayan çalışmaları listeler. Hazırlanan listeleri öğretim elemanlarının bu konudan haberdar edilmesi ve gerekli işlemlerin yapılması için ilgili bölümlere gönderir.
a. Sağlama ve kontrol tamamlandıktan sonra tüm bildirimlere rağmen belirlenen sürede OpenMETU Sistemi’ne iletilmeyen çalışmalar için ilgili bölüme hatırlatma yazısı yazar.
a. OpenMETU Sistemi ile ilgili istatistiklere, ODTÜ Faaliyet Raporu’nda yer verir.
a. OpenMETU Sistemi’nin alt yapısını oluşturmak ve geliştirmek üzere BİDB ile birlikte gerekli çalışmaları yürütür.
a. Açık erişime uygun şekilde yayınlanması için bilimsel çalışmalarını OpenMETU Sistemi’nde depolayan ODTÜ mensupları ile birlikte çalışır.
ğ. OpenMETU Sistemi çalışmasına yönelik olarak diğer üniversite ve kurumlarla yapılacak anlaşmalar ve işbirliklerini yürütür. Üniversitenin görünürlüğünü arttırmak amacıyla açık erişim rehberlerine üyelik işlemlerini gerçekleştirir.
a. OpenMETU Sistemi hakkında bilgilendirme amacıyla kılavuzlar hazırlar, gerekli tanıtım ve bilgilendirme çalışmalarını yapar.
ı. 5.2 maddesinde belirtilen görsel ve işitsel kaynakları telif hakları ve Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kanunu doğrultusunda depolar ve erişime açar.
a. GİSAM ve Tanıtım Ofisi gibi, görsel ve işitsel kaynakların üretildiği birimlerden KDDB’ye düzenli olarak aktarımını sağlar.
Madde 8- BİDB
a. AEKA Sistemlerini barındıran sunucu kurulumunu sağlar.
a. Sunucu için gerekli olan işletim sistemi ve diğer yazılımları işler hale getirir.
b. Gerekli durumlarda ilgili yazılımın güncellemelerini yapar.
ç. Belirlenen aralıklarla yedekleme yapar.
a. OpenMETU Sistemi yazılımlarında ihtiyaç duyulan özelleştirmelerin yapılmasını sağlar.
a. Gerektiğinde OpenMETU Sistemi sunucusunda bulunan verileri farklı sunucu ya da platformlara taşıma işlemlerini yapar.
a. Farklı sunucularda bulunan verilerin OpenMETU Sistemi’ne aktarılması için gerekli işlemleri yapar.
a. Veri girişini kolaylaştırmak amacıyla farklı sistemlerin bütünleştirilmesini sağlar.
Madde 9- Fakülteler, Enstitüler, Bölümler, Yüksekokullar, Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezleri
b) ODTÜ mensup ya da öğrencilerinin çalışmalarının patent başvurusu, makale yayınlama ya da kurumsal veya ulusal çıkarlardan dolayı erişim kısıtı olanlarının durumuyla ilgili Elektronik Belge Yönetim Sistemi (EBYS) aracılığıyla KDDB’ye bilgi iletir.
b) ODTÜ öğretim elemanlarının yayınlarını ve kapsam dahilindeki diğer çalışmalarını OpenMETU Sistemi’ne yüklemelerini teşvik eder.
b) Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Kopyalarının Teslim Alınması, Saklanması ve Erişime Açılması Hakkında Yönerge’ye göre hareket eder.
Madde 10 – Açık Bilim Koordinatörleri
OpenMETU Sistemi’nin tüm akademik birimlerde tanıtım ve farkındalık çalışmalarını koordine eder. Gerektiğinde OpenMETU Sistemi kapsamında ilgili birim, kurul ve komisyonlara birimi ile ilgili veri ve bilgi sağlar. Her akademik birim yöneticisi bu amaçla bir koordinatörü görevlendirir. Bu koordinatör, kalite koordinatörü ile aynı kişi olabileceği gibi konunun uzmanı farklı bir öğretim elemanı da olabilir. Açık Bilim Sistemi koordinatörü ataması ve değişikliği en geç iki iş günü içinde Açık Bilim Komisyonu Başkanlığı’na yazılı olarak bildirilir.
Madde 11- Danışma Kurulu
OpenMETU Sistemi’nin Fakültelerde, Enstitülerde ve Yüksekokullarda tanıtım ve farkındalık çalışmalarını koordine eder. Gerekli durumlarda OpenMETU Sistemi’nde bulunan bir yayının veya çalışmanın erişim koşulunu belirler. Kurul, Açık Bilim Koordinatörleri ile işbirliği içinde çalışır ve gerektiğinde Açık Bilim Komisyonuna görüş sunar.
Danışma Kurulu aşağıdaki üyelerden oluşur. Danışma Kuruluna üyelerin kendi aralarından seçeceği bir üye bir yıl boyunca başkanlık eder. Aynı üye tekrar başkan olarak seçilebilir.
⦁ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Mimarlık Fakültesi Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Mühendislik Fakültesi Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Eğitim Fakültesi Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Yabancı Diller Yüksek Okulu Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Meslek Yüksekokulu Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Uygulamalı Matematik Enstitüsü Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Enformatik Enstitüsü Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Müzik ve Güzel Sanatlar Bölümü Başkanlığı Açık Bilim koordinatörü
⦁ Türk Dili Bölümü Başkanlığı Açık Bilim koordinatörü.
Madde 12- Açık Bilim Komisyonu
ODTÜ Açık Bilim Politikası’nın ve Yönergesi’nin uygulanmasını izlemek, değerlendirmek ve gerektiğinde güncellemek için gerekli çalışmaları yapar. OpenMETU Sistemi’nin ODTÜ’de tanıtımını ve yürütülmesini sağlar. Bunun için gerekli işleyiş kurallarını belirler ve ODTÜ Açık Bilim Danışma Kurulu ile koordineli olarak çalışır. Komisyon ilgili rektör yardımcısının başkanlığında ve yılda iki kereden az olmamak suretiyle gerekli gördüğü durumlarda toplanır. Komisyonun uzman üyeleri bu göreve üç yıl süreliğine Rektörlük tarafından atanır. Bu üyeler görev sürelerinin sonunda yeniden atanabilir. Komisyon üyeleri,
b. BİDB’den sorumlu Rektör Yardımcısı
c. KDDB’den sorumlu Rektör Yardımcısı
d. Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanı
e. Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanı
f. Açık Erişim ve Kurumsal Arşiv konularında uzman en az iki öğretim üyesi
g. BİDB ilgili personeli
h. KDDB ilgili personelinden oluşur.
Yararlanma Hakkı
Madde 13- AEKA Sistemlerinde yer alan bilimsel ve entelektüel çalışmalardan yararlanma hakkı aşağıda belirtilen koşullarda gerçekleştirilir.
İsteyen herkes sistemde kayıtlı olup erişime açık olan çalışmalara serbestçe erişebilir.
Sistemde yer alan bilgi kaynakları kullanıldığında, kullanan kişi tarafından kaynak gösterilmesi bilimsel etik açısından gerekli ve zorunludur.
Madde 14- Bu yönerge, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Senatosunun 12.02.2019 tarihli ve 2019/2 nolu toplantısında alınan 2 nolu kararı ile yürürlüğe girmiştir.
Madde 15- Bu Yönerge Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Rektörlüğünce yürütülür.
Library Rules & Policy
The development and change in information and communication technologies have significantly affected the ways in which knowledge is produced, recorded, and accessed. The free sharing of the produced knowledge with the public and the need for efficiency and re-use of information has developed the concepts of “Open Access” and “Open Science” in the world. In this regard, Middle East Technical University (METU) is committed to contributing to the advancement of science and technology at an advanced level and to the wide dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of society and all stakeholders by adopting open, reproducible, and reliable research outcomes and practices.
METU believes that open science contributes to making research more transparent and rigorous; it encourages innovation and participation of all segments of society in scientific studies. For this purpose, METU is attentive to develop and use the tools and research processes that encourage and support open science, and open access to publications, course resources, and research data.
The text of this policy and directive is based on compliance with the articles 4/C and 12/C of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and the Open Science Model Policy for universities issued by the Council of Higher Education and the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698. To open access to all postgraduate theses, the directive on the receiving, storing and accessing the electronic copies of graduate theses applies.
Jurisdiction and Policy Impact
This policy covers all scientific studies, open course materials, and audiovisual resources produced by METU members and students in print and electronic media, and determines the principles of achieving these studies in the OpenMETU system. The policy includes open courses and similar materials submitted by the authors who are not a member of METU with the request to be stored in the archive of METU. In cases where the research is funded by third parties, any agreement with parties regarding access rights and storage takes priority over this policy.
Rights, Responsibilities, and Duties
Middle East Technical University is responsible for the following:
- To support the sharing of publicly funded scientific studies and research outputs with the public free of charge.
- To ensure that the scientific knowledge produced at METU is systematically and accurately indexed, preserved, and transferred to future generations.
- To register the Open Science System in the national and international collation and listing systems (TAA, OAI, BASE, ROAR, OpenAIRE, ROARMAP, OpenMETU, OpenDOAR, Open Education Consortium, etc.).
- To contribute to the development of national and international cooperation in new researches by means of sharing scientific knowledge.
- To promote the use of METU Open Course Materials (Open Courseware - OCW).
- To support participation in citizen science projects through Open Science practices.
- To monitor the content of the academic repository with the statistics provided by the system and to supervise policy compliance.
- To establish Open Science practices in improving research assessment and measurement criteria and to provide an open peer review experience.
- To provide and improve mechanisms and services for appropriate guidance to researchers
- To appoint a data manager responsible for all data-related issues in compliance with national and European Union laws, including, but not limited to, issues related to the development of data management plans.
- To ensure the compatibility of the University's academic repository and other research infrastructures with the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and technical specifications of the European Open Science Cloud.
- To enable researchers to specify the terms of sharing by utilizing the licenses such as Creative Commons in content and data sharing.
- To ensure the mandatory use of unique identifiers (such as DOI, ORCID, or others).
Researchers are responsible for:
- To manage their publications, data, and educational resources according to the principles and conditions set out in this policy and directive.
- To ensure that the pre-print, post-print, or publisher edition of the scientific works they contribute is placed in the OpenMETU system on time according to the conditions permitted by the publisher.
- To comply with any legal obligations under any organizational, regulatory, institutional, and other contracts related to the production, processing, storage, management, and distribution of publications and data in the absence of any agreement with any third parties of priority.
- To ensure that the principles governing the processing of data (according to the existing policies and funders' authorities) are included in a data management plan.
Open Access to Publications
- The researchers are responsible for making or ensuring that the full text (the published article or the peer-reviewed copy of the article before publication), as well as the machine-readable electronic copy of the relevant metadata before or after publication, is uploaded promptly. This also applies if the publications are published in open access (Gold Open Access).
- In the case of “Green Open Access”, the full text of all publications must be accessible under a standard open license within a maximum of 6 months (or within 12 months for publications in the social sciences and human sciences). It is mandatory to upload the monographs in the academic archive; however, access will remain closed until the publisher embargo ends.
- In order to increase the visibility of “closed” publications, the metadata of such publications must be accessible openly.
- METU encourages its members and students to protect copyright ownership and to license publishers only for the rights necessary for publication. (This is possible by using an addendum in the publication contract. See https://sparcopen.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Access-Reuse_Addendum.pdf).
- METU encourages its researchers to upload their publications to the academic archive before the date of the current policy takes effect and to make the publications openly accessible as soon as possible.
- While METU evaluates the publications of its members and students individually or institutionally (including evaluations of research performance incentive, appointment, and promotion systems), only the publications whose metadata and full texts are uploaded to the academic archive according to the above-mentioned conditions.
- METU members and students can store their studies they conducted with more than one researcher from more than one institution in the OpenMETU system. In multi-author studies conducted by more than one METU member and student, one of the authors ensures that the source is transferred to the OpenMETU system by adding the DOI number and the names of other authors.
Open Access to Research Data
- METU provides the necessary incentives and regulations for its researchers to upload the data they obtained in the scientific studies to OpenMETU according to the international standards (ensuring that the data and services are traceable and available in compliance with open and FAIR principles).
- METU Research Ecosystem complies with the principle of "as open as possible and as closed as necessary". If the data is not open due to legal, confidential, or other related reasons (for example, sensitive or personal data), this should be clearly explained. It provides the metadata that allows the data to be found in any case.
- METU encourages applications under the requirements of Open Science Cloud to monitor Open Science resources.
- METU researchers provide an appropriate data management plan for every research activity they are involved in.
- METU researchers define post-project usage rights through the determination of appropriate licenses.
- The minimum archive period for METU research data is 10 years after the appointment of a permanent identifier. After the expiration of the required archive period, or if these records are deleted or destroyed for legal and ethical reasons, all legal and ethical perspectives of such actions must be taken into account.
Open Science
METU actively promotes the understanding of Open Science practices beyond open access to publications and data. For example, it monitors participation in citizen science projects, the use of open peer review, the use of open educational resources, the release and development of data and contents under open and standard open licenses.
- METU creates the necessary infrastructure for the transition to Open Science; it takes the necessary measures to ensure its financing, sustainability, widespread and effective use.
- METU ensures that the data indexed in the OpenMETU system is processed from a single center to all users quickly and according to international standards.
- The OpenMETU system is compatible with International Open Access Systems, guides, and consortia, such as the OAI-PMH protocol, the Open Education Consortium, and OpenAIRE, and is linked to the European Open Science Cloud.
Research Evaluation and Measurement
- METU guarantees to develop a research evaluation framework that promotes research quality and Open Science behavior and practices by monitoring developments in Europe on this issue and the work of the European Open Science Policy Platform in cooperation with funding organizations and other appropriate units. It takes into account the effects on researchers from different disciplines and different career stages.
- It commits the establishment of a reward mechanism for the researchers using Open Science applications (e.g., sharing imprecise results through open platforms, using open software and other tools, to participate in open collaborative projects (citizen science, sharing open course resources), etc.).
- METU coordinates open training courses in collaboration with the Head of Library and Documentation Department, Department of Information Technologies, and other appropriate departments and institutions to increase, adopt and implement the Open Science awareness; to improve the data management skills of the researchers and support staff. Such training courses include knowledge necessary for open access publishing, open data, data management, research data, and research ethics and they develop the skills
- The training is offered to researchers at all career stages, taking into account different disciplines, and is included in the curriculum.
- Appropriate financing is provided for these activities and for this purpose, synergies are investigated together with other stakeholders, as well as funding organizations.
Validity of the Policy and the Directive
This policy and directive will be reviewed and updated every two years by the Senate of the Middle East Technical University. The rectorate of METU will be responsible for the implementation of this policy and directive and will assume the executive role in resolving disputes that may arise when necessary and in making changes to the policy and directive. The entire policy and directive will be implemented for one year from the effective date, and the part related to research data will be implemented as a pilot for two years from the same date.
Middle East Technical University Open Science Commission
METU conducts the necessary studies to monitor, support, evaluate and update the implementation of the Open Science Policy and Directive when necessary. It ensures the promotion and implementation of Open Science and open access in METU. It sets out the rules of operation necessary for this and works in coordination with the Open Science Advisory Board. The commission is chaired by the vice-chancellor appointed by the Rector and meets at least twice a year when it is deemed necessary. Expert members of the commission are appointed by the rectorate for a period of three years. These members may be reappointed at the end of their term of office. Commission members are constituted of the following;
- Vice President in charge of Library and Documentation Department
- Vice President in charge of Department of Information Technologies
- Head Director of the Library and Documentation Department
- Head Director of Department of Information Technologies
- At least two faculty members specialized in Open Science and Institutional Repository
- The related staff of the Department of Information Technologies
- The related staff of Library and Documentation Department
The committee shall be responsible for revising the policy and directive whenever it is deemed necessary.
Suggestions and opinions will be submitted to METU Rectorate.
Open Science Coordinators
Open Science Coordinators coordinate the promotion and awareness of open science and open access activities in the academic units to which they are affiliated. When necessary, it provides data and information about the unit to relevant units, boards, and commissions within the scope of Open Science. Each academic unit manager assigns a coordinator for this purpose. This coordinator can be the same person as the quality coordinator, as well as a different academic who is an expert on the subject. The appointment and change of the Open Science Coordinator shall be notified in writing to the president of the Open Science Commission no later than two working days.
Open Science Advisory Board
It coordinates the promotion and awareness studies of Open Science in faculties, institutes, and colleges. It determines the access condition for a publication or study in OpenMETU when necessary. The Board works in collaboration with the Open Science Coordinators and submits opinions to the Open Science Commission when necessary.
The Open Science Advisory Board consists of the following members. The advisory board is chaired by a member who will be elected amongst the members of the board for one year. The same member may be re-elected as chairman.
- Open Science Coordinator of the Faculty of Arts And Sciences
- Open Science Coordinator of the Faculty of Architecture
- Open Science Coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering
- Open Science Coordinator of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
- Open Science Coordinator of the Faculty of Education
- Open Science Coordinator of the School of Foreign Languages
- Open Science Coordinator of Vocational School
- Open Science Coordinator of the Institute of Applied Mathematics
- Open Science Coordinator of the Institute of Informatics
- Open Science Coordinator of the Institute of Marine Sciences
- Open Science Coordinator of the Institute of Social Sciences
- Open Science Coordinator of the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Open Science Coordinator of the Department of Music and Fine Arts
- Open Science Coordinator of the Turkish Language Department.
The Right of Access
The right to benefit from scientific and intellectual studies in OpenMETU is realized under the following conditions.
- Anyone can freely access the studies that are registered in the system and open to access.
- When the information resources stored in the system are used, it is necessary and mandatory in terms of scientific ethics to refer to the resources by the person using them.
This policy and directive came into effect with Decision No. 2 of the Middle East Technical University Senate dated 12.2.2019 and taken at the meeting with no 2019/2.
This policy and Directive are executed by the rectorate of Middle East Technical University.
Appendix: Abbreviations and Definitions
OpenMETU: METU Open Science/Access and Institutional Repository System
METU: Middle East Technical University
University: Middle East Technical University
Library and Documentation Department: METU, Directorate of Library & Documentation
Department of Information Technologies: METU Department of Information Technologies
TÜBİTAK: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
YÖK: The Council of Higher Education
OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
OpenAIRE: The name of a European Commission Open Science Infrastructure Project
ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier
OCW: Open Courseware
DOI: Digital Object Identifier - Numeric Object Identifier
FAIR: Findable-Accessible-Interoperable-Reusable
- Open Peer Review: It is defined as a scientific review mechanism in which both the reviewer and the author know each other's identities during the period of review and publication.
- Open Science: It is to perform science in a way that publications, research data, lab notes, and other research processes can be accessed openly with the conditions enabling the re-use, distribution, and reproduction of the research, in which other researchers can work and contribute together.
- Open Education Resources: According to OECD, it is defined as “teaching, learning and research materials using open licenses that allow free re-use and continuous improvement by others for educational purposes”.
- Open Access: The condition that the scientific literature can be accessed, read, saved, copied, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, transferred to software as data, and used for all kinds of legal purposes through the internet without financial, legal and technical barriers.
- The Golden Way Open Access: The studies of researchers published in academic journals are open access through the published journal and from the moment it is published.
- The Green Way Open Access: It is the open access to copies of the accepted version of researchers’ published studies in academic journals in open archives.
- Open Data: It is the data that can be used, reused, and distributed freely by anyone without being subject to any copyright, patent, or other control mechanisms.
- Academic Studies: It refers to all the studies that arise as a result of the research, funds, and creative activities of METU members and students.
- Academic and Subject Archives: The systems that collect, organize, and archive, on a long-term basis, publications, data, and other intellectual products (theses, course materials, study reports, etc.) produced from scientific research supported by public sources.
- Embargo: It refers that scientific studies of METU members and students in the academic archive system (article publishing, patent application, corporate and national interests, etc.) remain closed to access for a certain period of time for various reasons.
- Research: It is defined as all kinds of creative and systematic studies with the goal of advancing knowledge.
- Research Data: It is the data used to verify the results presented in scientific publications (e.g. statistics, experiment results, measurements, observations, interview records, images, etc.) or other data used during a project and described in the data management plan.
- Researcher: It is defined as any member of METU research staff at all levels, regardless of their level of employment, including employees and doctoral students.
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC): It is a project that the European Commission announced in April 2018 that aims to collect the “embedded” data of 1.7 million researchers and 70 million scientists and technologists in the European Union in academic journals and books and make this data available to everyone. https://ec.europa.eu/research/openscience/index.cfm?pg=open-science-cloud
- Knowledge Resources: It refers to the printed (books, magazines, newspapers, reports, etc.), electronic (online databases), and multimedia (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, VHS, etc.) resources in the library collection.
- Storage: It refers to the storage process of scientific and intellectual studies in the METU academic archive system.
- DOI (Digital Object Identifier): It is the identifiers that define an online intellectual property or part of that intellectual property within the online environment. https://www.doi.org/
- Institutional Repository: It defines the system containing a digital environment in which scientific and intellectual studies produced at METU are archived/stored and presented to open access.
- OAI-PMH: It is a protocol developed by the Open Archives Initiative. This protocol is used to collate (or collect) metadata definitions in an archive.
- Scientific and Intellectual Studies: It refers to the studies like articles, theses, books/book chapters, audio-visual materials, papers, presentations, projects, reports, designs, patents, course materials, and software product, which are produced by METU members and students as a result of funds they received and productive/creative activities.
- FAIR principles: An acronym for research data management or any of the initiatives related to the European Open Science Cloud. It is based on the principles that data should be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable principles. https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): It refers to a permanent digital identifier that uniquely identifies researchers and supports the automatic connection between scientific activities.
- OpenAIRE: It is a technical open access infrastructure project that allows access to scientific publication outputs, open research data and research information, analysis of data and provides various services to content providers in line with the open science goals of the European Commission. www.openaire.eu
- OpenMETU: It is an institutional repository that provides open access to the publications and research data of METU researchers.
- Creative Commons License:Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that allows the use and sharing of intellectual, cultural, or artistic creative work. It is the license that allows forming the basis for other studies if necessary, instead of blocking any use of the publication by other researchers.
- Copyright: It is all the tangible and incorporeal rights that a person has legally on the products that he produces through any intellectual effort.
- Metadata: It is a set of data that defines a source of information. In other words, it is structured, descriptive information related to the discovery, identification, use, and management of digital information and information sources.
- Data Management Plan: It is a tool that shows how researchers can meet their responsibilities for research data quality, data sharing, and data security.
- Publication: It is defined as a peer-reviewed published (or currently being published) study of researchers in the institution.
- Open Course Material (OCW): It is open, accessible course material for the benefit of the community.
Social Media: With the introduction of Web 2.0 to the user service, it is a media system that provides access to two-way and simultaneous information sharing instead of one-way information sharing. Besides, social media is a mobile-based human communication system in which people share and discuss with each other on the internet without any space and time limitations.
Library: ODTÜ Head Office of Library and Documentation
KIB: Corporate Communication Unit
User: Persons registered to the automation system of ODTU Library
The rules for the content to be shared via the library's social media accounts are determined by this policy.
Announcements of interest to users include information about innovations /changes in library services, working hours, new subscriptions, publication purchases, the visual content of special occasions, videos, and etc.
- Library social media accounts are managed by the KIB on behalf of the library.
- These content-managed accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest) are official accounts of the library, and related links can be found on the web page.
- Images and videos shared in the accounts are designed by KIB (with the help of part-time students and METU Graphic Design Unit).
- The visuals not designed by us are used with the permission of the owner.
General Principles
ODTÜ Library;
- Respects copyright.
- Does not share the content designed by others without permission of the owners.
- Treats all its users and followers equally.
- Does not share unconfirmed content.
- Does not share users' information under the Law on Protection of Personal Data Act.
- Is neutral (Does not discriminate based on language, ethnicity, religion and belief).
- Does not share political content
- Does not use ads in account content.
- Does not delete positive or negative comments (such as blasphemy, insults, etc.) made for the posts.
- Responds to questions addressed via social media.
- Is against censorship.
- Reserves the right to change or update its content.
- User login addresses and passwords of social media accounts are available to the personnel of KIB.
- Accepts no responsibility for the comments written by third parties under the posts.
- Provides the contents and visuals made by the library to the use and sharing of people in accordance with Creative Commons and open access principles, provided that the bibliography is specified and the visuals are not changed.
The current policy is reviewed and updated as necessary by the person(s) in charge of content and design management at the beginning of each academic year.
The purpose of METU Library Collection Development Policy is;
· To represent the rules and principles about the selection, supply and the access of the information sources conducted in METU Library with the aim of providing access to qualified, accurate and universal information that serves to research activities within both METU and public.
· To address the needs of the users,
· To ensure the collection to be updated and well-balanced,
· To use the budget effectively,
· To highlight the criteria and principles about improving the pattern and content of the collection
Collection: A set of information sources which are provided purchase, subscription, exchange and donation according to a predetermined Library policy. (Bayram, t.y.).
Selection: A process and form to determine which information sources will be provided to Library collection. (Evans, 2005, p.9).
Supply: A process that involves incorporating information sources into Library through purchase, subscription, exchange and donation. (Evans, 2005, p.9).
Audiovisual Information Sources: Digital information sources that include audio, motion and visual. (Royan, 2004, p.7) (e.g. DVD, VCD, CD, videocassette recorders, voice tape, etc.)
METU Academic and Administrative Staff (employee/retired), additional-charge staff, researchers within Postdoctoral Research Program, graduate, undergraduate and associate students (including international exchange students), METU Development Foundation and Technopolis Staff, Academic Staff of protocol universities and government agencies skilled stuff can have a membership of METU Library and use the sources and services of Library. (See also Library Instruction Article 1). Only METU Academic and Administrative Staff and students can propose purchasing books and other information sources.
Responsibility Statement
Library administration and units are in charge of creating, applying and keeping the Library collection development policy updated.
Librarians are in charge of ensuring the subject distribution to be balanced and updated according to users’ feedbacks and collection analysis that is conducted during the year.
Printed Book Collection
METU Library printed book collection is classified according to U.S. Library of Congress Classification System and available through open shelf system.
Book Selection Practices
METU Library develops collections through purchase and donation. Whichever method is used, provided information sources are developed in terms of quality and quantity in parallel with academic needs of both Library users and the university.
The book purchase request and recommendation is transmitted to the METU Library in various ways:
· Book/Course Book Order Form[1] on the library web page,
· E-mail[2],
· A collaborative work is being conducted between the Librarians and the Lecturers representing the Departments in necessary situations to meet the existing and changing needs of METU members and students and that the collection is developed in a conscious and balanced manner.
Book Selection Criteria
- Copyright
Books to be provided must conform to the Law of Intellectual Property Rights (Annex 1) No. 5846.
Information sources produced as pirate books or copies reproduced by photocopying are not included in the collection.
- Content
It is aimed to develop the book collection in a balanced way according to the education, research areas, cultural and intellectual requirements of ODTÜ.
- Currentness
The most up-to-date and current information sources relevant to METU’s education and research fields are followed. Particular attention is paid to the fact that the information sources to be selected in the fields of science, technology and engineering have been published in the last 5 years. In the field of Social Sciences, the old printed books are also evaluated and included in the collection according to the feedback of the instructors.
- Level
It is important to select books published by reliable, competent publishing houses recognized in their areas in order to support undergraduate and graduate programs and research areas of the university.
In addition to supporting the teaching curriculum, it is also considered that the books are supposed to promote thesis, project and independent research activities carried out in the research centers affiliated to Rectorship.
- Extra Copies
The requested printed book is not provided in hard copy if full text access is available via existing databases.
More than one copy is included in the collection in accordance with the following requirements.
· Course books that are highly used,
· Books with a high borrowing rate,
· Books that are physically worn out
· Lost books.
- Cost
The books requested for inclusion in the collection are reassessed together with the Library management and the user in order to provide budget possibilities and subject balance.
Books whose cost exceeds the upper limit defined for the subject area ($ 250 for Science and Technology fields, $ 100 for Social Sciences) is re-evaluated with the requesting user.
The printed paperback format of the requested books (if available on the market) is primarily preferred because of lower price. A hardback version of the related book is provided if it is the only available format on the market.
- Language
In accordance with the education and research programs of the university, book purchases in different languages, especially in English and Turkish, are made in the direction of the requests from users.
- Print Status and Physical Format
The requested book must be in print as of the date of order. There is no secondhand book purchase for non-printed books.
The different physical printing forms for the books and the conditions of supply are as follows:
- Reprint: Old edition books or reprinted books that are abbreviated from the original edition of rare books are purchased when requested by users.
- Loose-Leaf Prints: The purchase of such forms of printing is not preferred due to its uselessness. If the obligation to provide the book is declared by the users, they can be provided if no other print is available.
Book Supply Service
Purchase Procedure
The book request and recommendation is evaluated within the scope of the selection criteria, and the purchasing process is started for those who are decided to be included in the collection.
The books are provided through tender and direct purchase methods within the budget allocated to the Head Office of Library and Documentation.
Tender lists of the books with order records are prepared. In cases where urgent book procurement is required, direct purchasing lists are established within the year and within the framework of budget conditions.
The procurement of books to be provided through the tender is carried out according to the Public Procurement Law. Books that are tendered have an average of 4-6 months in advance due to the tender process.
Donation Procedure
Information sources that support the university's educational, research and cultural activities are included in the Library collection.
The Donation and Exchange Committee decides on the appropriateness of donated information sources to the collection by consulting with relevant experts when necessary. The Library has the authority and responsibility to decide whether or not donated resources will be added to the collection and that in which category they will be replaced.
A special area or shelf is not created for the donated collection; it is included in the current collection according to the integrity and layout of Library.
Those who want to donate resources to the Library are obliged to fill in the "Book Donation Form" in compliance with the Movable Property Regulations.
The source(s) decided to be suitable for the Library collection are added to the collection and the list is created after the technical process, and a letter of thanks is sent to the donor person or institution on behalf of the University.
The source(s) not included in the collection are returned to the donor or sent to other universities, schools or institutions by the donor's approval.
Donation Principles
The donated information sources are supposed to;
· Support the education and research activities of the university and have scientific quality,
· Be not available in the Library collection,
· Be physically appropriate,
· Be not photocopied or replicated in any ways,
· Be possible to taken as an extra copy when necessary, depending on the quality of the source and the frequency of use.
· The publication date of information sources except for Social Sciences should not be older than 5 years.
· It is not possible for every donation received by email to be included in the Library collection.
Rare Works
Rare works collection is formed according to the following criteria;
- Manuscripts and lithography works,
- Works written in Ottoman, Arabic and Persian languages in the years before 1928,
- Works published in Latin letters in 1801 and pre-1801,
- Works that have special printing technique and paperbound,
- Works printed in limited number or without second copies,
- Old and out of print sources,
- Works signed by important authors or important persons,
- Manuscript forms of books and letters belonging to authors who did not print their works,
- Works that have aesthetic value and contain valuable visuals (drawing, engraving, illumination, miniature, marbling etc.).
Reference Collection
The reference collection includes information sources of different kinds that contain competent information on a particular topic, provide a quick response and summary information on that topic. The Reference Collection is located in a separate unit in the Library and is not lent.
Statistical sources, maps, atlases, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, bibliographic sources, guides, almanacs, abstracts, indexes and annuals are information sources available in the Reference Collection.
METU Library creates an e-reference collection that provides uninterrupted access in order to remove space and time limits for access to information.
Thesis Collection
Hard copies of the master and doctorate theses prepared in METU are kept in the Library by the decision of the University Senate.
Electronic copies of theses prepared since September of 2003 with the aim of creating Digital Thesis Archive are also included in the collection.
Theses in the collection are closed for one or two years depending on the author's wishes.
Photocopying or electronic reproduction of a printed thesis is subject to the permission of the author.
Reserve Collection (Short-Loan Books)
The collections created from the course sources are lent to the students for a short time (one hour, three hours, a night, etc.) in the direction of the requests and suggestions of the lecturers.
The textbooks that are announced by instructors through Adding and Submitting Books to a Short Loan Collection form are provided as 1 book for every 40 students. These books must be requested before the beginning of the semester.
Materials not included in the Reserve Collection:
· Current and bound magazines,
· Reference sources (except English-Turkish Dictionaries),
· Sources that are available in general collection but not lent
Removing Information Source from the Reserve Collection:
- For the books that the instructor wants to be removed from the reserve collection, it is necessary to fill out the Adding and Removing Books for the Short Loan Collection on the web page.
· The collection is reviewed at the end of each semester and unused books are removed from the reserve collection in order to be added to the long-term lending collection.
Audiovisual Information Sources Collection
Audiovisual information sources that METU members and students want to be included in the library collection are provided through subscription or purchase after being evaluated.
When selecting Audiovisual Information Sources;
- It is important to be in quality and format to support training and user requests,
- Cultural publications should be appropriate to the level and knowledge of the user,
- Pirated or copied material is not purchased and is not accepted as a donation.
Printed Periodical Collection
Methods of Choosing and Providing Materials
In today's digital collection environment, electronic subscription is preferred instead of printed subscription of periodical publications.
Evaluation and Selection Criteria
Criteria for evaluating existing publications / publications to be newly added to the collection:
- New printed subscription requests are based on information received from METU users (academic and administrative staff, students) and publishers, as well as information obtained through research conducted by the Librarians to remove missing information from the current collection.
- New subscription requests are delivered via periodical request form on Web.
- All requests are checked from the current collection of printed collections and electronic journals.
- Pricing model for requests is detected through their publisher, education language, impact factor, scientific quality, etc.
- Content analysis is performed to check the suitability of the collection.
- If electronic form is not published, the printed form is evaluated.
- It is checked whether the requests are in collections of other university libraries in Ankara.
- The selection and evaluation of publications is based on the evaluation criteria determined by the Periodical Publications Department and the Library Management.
- For existing hardcopy publications, publications that whose print has stopped within the year and that have a bibliographic change are followed up.
Supply of Printed Periodicals
How to obtain printed publications:
· Providing subscription from domestic and foreign sources through tender and direct supply method,
· Providing with donation and exchange.
Donation and Exchange Criteria
Periodicals to be provided through donations and exchanges from persons or institutions are accepted on condition that they are regularly sent to the Library for at least two years while those whose print has done are accepted considering the needs of the users.
The appropriateness of the periodicals to be provided through donations or exchanges to the education language and research areas is taken into account.
Content of the sources should be eligible for The Constitution of the Republic of Turkey along with Law of Intellectual Property Rights No. 5846 and Law of Higher Education. Pirate and/or photocopied publications will not be accepted or purchased in Library in accordance with the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No 5846.
Journals and physically worn out periodicals are not included in the collection.
Termination of the Subscription and Transforming to Digital Format
Subscription of printed periodicals is terminated through evaluation of the following criteria:
- Being irregular,
- Price increases,
- Usage,
- Current archive information in the collection,
- Conflict with digital collection,
- The electronic copy has archive access,
- Appropriateness to the budget,
- Continue to be published as open access.
Digital Source Collection
The digital source collection is made up of online, licensed and open access information sources. Digital sources are provided through subscription and/or purchase.
Types of Digital Sources:
· E-journal databases
· Single e-journals
· E-book databases
· Index and contained databases
· E-Reference databases (dictionaries, encyclopedias, theses, standards, etc.)
· E-newspapers
· Databases with statistical data
· Multimedia sources
Selection of Digital Sources
Electronic source selection is made by the Periodical Publications Unit and the Library Management in line with the demands of the university members.
Selection of New Digital Sources
The selection process for a new e-source begins with evaluating the requests from users (e-mail, database / e-journal request / evaluation form), suggestions from publishing houses and Library staff.
The following criteria are taken into account in the appraisal phase of an e-source;
· Appropriateness to the university’s education and research programs,
· Whether an equivalent source is available in the existing collection,
· Whether the relevant e-source has been evaluated before,
In order to examine an e-source in detail, trial access opportunities are searched. The evaluation of sources for which trial access is not possible is done in accordance with the information provided on the Web page or from the publisher of the source.
Selection Criteria
It is expected that a digital source will be able to provide the following features to the maximum level to be included in the collection.
In terms of content;
· To be appropriate to the university’s education and research areas,
· To contribute to the current collection,
· To be an authority in its field.
In terms of technical requirements and usage;
· To be IP based and provide remote access,
· To provide usage statistics,
· To provide integration with technical infrastructure and other systems,
· To have a user-friendly interface,
· To offer data downloading, copying and printing options.
Support of provider/intermediary firm and the publisher;
· To provide user training,
· To provide technical support,
· Customization of the interface in line with requests,,
· Data archiving (backup, collaboration with data archiving systems (LOCKSS, etc.) ).
· Competence and credibility of the intermediary firm.
Pricing model;
· FTE based pricing,
· Pricing based on the number of concurrent users,
· Finding consortium pricing,
· Pricing by selected collection.
In terms of licensing features;
· Accessibility issues;
· Authorized user,,
· Access methods (access via IP, multi/unlimited users, single user access, etc.),
· Retrospective access; rights to be retained if archiving and subscribing is terminated.
· Usage issues;
· Loaning between universities,
· View, download and print,
· Responsibilities of the provider/intermediary firm,
· Legal issues (payment terms, payment period).
Confliction with printed collection;
When the information source considered to be included in the collection has both print and electronic access, electronic access is preferred considering the following items:
· The electronic copy should provide the same content as the print, or give more,
· The quality of the text and images (graphics, tables, etc.) on the electronic copy should be at least as high as or better than the quality,
· It is preferred that price of the digital source is the same or lower than the printed copy. Where the price of a digital information source is higher, the publisher should provide more content with the source for the fee paid.
Assessment of Current Digital Sources
The continuity of existing digital source subscriptions is assessed by considering the following criteria:
- Usage;
· Usage statistics and change over years,
· Unit cost analysis,
· Purchase/subscription models and pricing changes,
- Licensing features;
· Changes in archival rights,
· Changes in terms of use,
· Changes in access methods.
- In case of platform change, new platform features,
- Renewal/repetition of content and conflict analysis,
- User opinions.
Supply of Digital Sources
Supplying of selected digital sources are carried out with the relevant units taking into account the following criteria;
· The budget allocated for the digital sources, the form and timing of payment,,
· Providing of required documents during the payment process (proforma, single authorized provider document, and invoice).
Termination of Subscriptions
It may be decided to terminate the subscription of a digital source in the following cases:
· Usage is not at the expected level despite enhancement works,
· Unexpected high increases in subscription prices (except content changes),
· Another digital source overlapping in terms of content is available at a lower cost than the existing digital source,
· Negative accessibility changes.
The library plans and uses the budget determined by the Ministry of Finance with the aim of sustaining and developing the existing collection to support educational and research activities with scientific publications. Distribution and use of budget is determined by Library Management and related units.
Distribution and use of budget:
- Printed book
- Printed periodicals
- Database
- E-Journal
- E-Book
Planning is carried out within the budget freedoms determined by the Ministry of Finance (January, April, July, October). The spending plan made by the Purchasing and Accounting Unit at the beginning of the year is implemented throughout the year.
Collection Management
Collection Assessment
The collection development policy aims to renew and improve the collection within the Library. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the collection, it is necessary to evaluate the collection regularly and, when necessary, to extract books and renew them. The processes carried out under these evaluations are as follows:
- The density of the subjects in the collection is assessed every year by the Library Management and Supply and Cataloging Unit. In this assessment, the balance between the budget allocated to the departments for material intake, the collection intensity for the subject areas of the departments, and the usage rate of the materials within this collection are analyzed. If the subject areas in which the distribution is insufficient are determined, it is planned that the development of these subject areas and the balancing of the subjects will be ensured in the following purchase process.
- Extraction and renewal processes.
Collaborative Works
METU Library is a member of Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS) founded wih the aim of providing of the common policy agreement among the members about the issues of the subscription or purchase e-books’ databases considering of collections rational growth and the allowing to access of more sources for supplying the educational and inquiring needs of participating users’ to Consortium. ANKOS aims to collaborate with appropriate institutions and organizations both at domestic and foreign about many subjects such as the management of copyrights, license contracts and the other consortium services around the world is made to progress the participation of ANKOS to the international developments.
University and Research Institutes
Full-time staff employees of universities and research institutions in Turkey can borrow books from the Library of the Middle East Technical University through their affiliated Library Lending Officer, and can provide photocopies of articles or theses (if permitted).
Full-time academic and administrative staff of Middle East Technical University can borrow books from the libraries of other research institutions in Turkey and photocopy articles or thesis through Interlibrary Loan Service.
Preservation and Bookbinding
The binding process is applied to protect the printed information sources against wearing and to reuse the worn out collection for the user.
Inventory Procedures
Inventory operations of printed collections are conducted through different methods at specific time intervals.
The extraction process is carried out in accordance with the legislation by the joint efforts of the Librarians' Supply and Cataloging Unit and the Shelf Services Unit along with Cancellation Commission, which consists of subject experts.
The following types of information sources are extracted from the collection or taken into storage;
· Those who are physically damaged and unusable,
· Those who have not been used in the last 10 years and have been over-replicated,
· Sources available also as digital copy,
· Technologically unavailable sources (e.g. Diskette, Cassette),
· Old editions of information sources with new editions (especially reserve books).
Lost Sources
The lost information sources determined according to the results of the counting operations are regained by considering the usage rates.
- Bayram (Gökkurt), Özlem. A.Ü. BBY226 Derme Geliştirme Ders Notları. http://acikders.ankara.edu.tr/pluginfile.php/255/mod_resource/content/2/derme%20geli%C5%9Ftirme%20pdf.pdf
- Evans, E.G. (2005). Developing Library and Information Center Collections (5th edt.). Westport, Connecticut London: Libraries Unlimited.
- ODLIS -- Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science, Erişim tarihi: 06.06.2016, http://www.abc-clio.com/ODLIS/odlis_r.aspx
- Royan, B. (2004). Guidelines for Audiovisual and Multimedia materials in libraries and other institutions. IFLA Professional Reports (No.80)
- Law of Intellectual Property Rights
- Standing Order List
- Book Donation Form
- METU Library Instruction
[1] METU members and students can request to receive information sources.
[2] Members of our university can provide questions, problems and suggestions about their material requests to saglama@metu.edu.tr
ODTÜ Library’s main aim is to provide high quality service for the users. If you think that our service is not sufficient for the expected standards or established quality policies, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: report your complaint to the staff and help them realize the problem
Step 2: If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with, you can contact the head of the section related to your problem. This information is available on our web page.
Step 3: If you are still unsatisfied, you can fill in Feedback and Suggestions form on our web page or Suggestions Print Form which is available near the PC terminals at the Entrance and Reserve Desk in the library. We will usually try to deal with your complaints within 24hrs.
Step 4: For your notifications that were not resolved in the first three steps, you can send your notification directly to the University via the METU Secretary General Satisfaction and Improvement Form.
As ODTÜ Library, without compromising our values, we will,
- Enhance Enhance rich printed and electronic book and periodical collection day by day having regard tothe diversity of resources;
- Enhance our competetive power by carrying utilization rate of electronic sources to the highest level;
- Maintain our ability of technological change with our powerful technic facilities;
- Improve continuously the quality of service provided with belief of always being better;
- Multiply our organizational and executive abilities with collaboration and solidarity culture;
- Make an effort in order to make employees sufficient as both quantitative and qualitative;
- Increasing activity of employees by supporting continuous training of employees with educational programs;
- Providing necessary sources to make physical environment secure, safe, and sufficient;
- Plan activities to determine corporate risk and opportunities on time, catch the possibilities of applying innovations by preventing adverse effects,
- Measure ourselves continuously with operational and administirative system that we succeed to instutionalize, and develop themselves.
Director of Library and Documentation
It is annexed to the decision of the Executive Board of the University dated July 19, 2016 and numbered 2016/12
Purpose and Scope
Article 1- (1) The purpose of these procedures and principles is to regulate the use of the resources (physical resources and information resources) of the ODTU KDDB.
Article 2- (1) As stated in the principles and principles
a) Sources of information: Books (books, journals, newspapers, reports, etc.), electronic (online databases), multimedia (CD, DVD, cassette, etc.)
b) ILL: (Inter Library Loan): Interlibrary loan transactions,
c) University: Middle East Technical University,
d) KDDB: Library and Documentation Department,
e) User: People who use library services and information resources, regardless of whether they are members or not,
f) Borrowing Unit: The place where long-term borrowing transactions are made,
g) Reserve: Short-term borrowing, where information sources are located,
h) System: Library automation system,
i) Members: Academic and administrative staff working in ODTU or retiring from ODTU, who are in the status of "additional officer", Post-Doctoral Research Program-Researchers within DOSAP, Project staff, ODTU Development Foundation and ODTU Technopolis employees and the academic and administrative staff of the universities and the official institutions which have made the Protocol.
Library Terms of Use
Article 3- (1) Members may borrow information sources in the library or make use of them in the library.
(2) Non-members can only benefit from the library's information resources in the library.
(3) Members are obliged to notify the library of changes to personal information on the system on time.
(4) Users are obliged to comply with the existing "Intellectual and Artistic Works Law" while using the information sources. Legislative administrative and legal proceedings may be initiated due to the opposition of this law to the user. The user cannot assume any legal responsibility for the University / Library because of his opposition to this matter.
(5) Users' "Rules in the Library" are determined by KDDB and announced to the users.
Article 4- (1) The information of the Rector's Office considering the principles and criteria (number, duration, kind etc.) of the library information resources used and lending for the users who are not members and ILL system users, considering the current situation of the collection, Is determined by KDDB and announced to the users.
(2) It is the authority and responsibility of the KDDB to determine, enforce, and enforce the "Principles and Rules for Borrowing / Receiving" for all kinds of information sources in order to protect library information resources / collection within the information of the Rector's Office. The rules in Attachment 1 apply until modified by KDDB.
Rules to be Implemented in the Case of Separation of Members from the University
Article 5- (1) Members who leave the university for any reason (such as retirement, resignation or graduation) will not be able to complete the procedures without returning the information sources borrowed and paying the delay penalty.
(2) Legal procedures shall be taken against members who leave the University for any reasons without returning the information source borrowed.
1) Information resources in KDDB are borrowed according to the following criteria.
A) Academic and Administrative Staff
a) Full-time Academic staff can borrow 25 books for a period of 30 days, in case of request, 5 of them can be borrowed as a course book for a period of time. If the information source is not reserved by another user; For books borrowed for 30 days, he can make 3 extensions. He cannot extend the period for textbooks he has taken for semester. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. In addition, academic staff can borrow 2-volume magazine for 7 days, 2 multimedia resources for 3 days. If it is not reserved by another user; it can extend the time extension for multimedia sources one time. He cannot extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; the reservation is canceled by the system. Individual study rooms (carrels) can use 3 hours.
b) 15 books with supplementary attendance can borrow 30 days, 2 volumes of magazine 7 days, 2 multimedia sources for 3 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; 2 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. He cannot extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
c) Retired academic staff can borrow 15 books for 30 days, 2 volumes for 7 days, 2 multimedia resources for 2 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11:00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; 2 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. He cannot extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
d) Administrative staff can borrow 15 books for 30 days, 2 volumes for 7 days, 2 multimedia resources for 3 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; 3 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. He cannot extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
e) Retired administrative staff can borrow 5 books for 30 days, 2 volumes for 7 days, 2 multimedia resources for 2 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; 2 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. He cannot extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
B) Student
a) Ph.D. student can borrow 25 books for 30 days, 2 volumes for 7 days, 2 multimedia sources for 2 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; 3 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. He can not extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system. You can borrow Tablet PC for 3 hours on weekdays. Individual study rooms (carrels) can use 3 hours.
b) Graduate student can borrow 20 books for 30 days, 2 volumes for 7 days, 2 multimedia sources for 2 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user, it can extend the time to 2 for books and 1 time for multimedia sources. He can not extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system. You can borrow Tablet PC for 3 hours on weekdays. Individual study rooms (carrels) can use 3 hours.
c) Undergraduate student can borrow 15 books for 15 days and 2 multimedia books for 2 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; 2 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
C) Other Users
a. The staff working in the project can borrow 15 books for 30 days, 2 volumes for 7 days, 2 multimedia resources for 3 days. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; 3 for books, and 1 for multimedia sources. He cannot extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
b. The exchange student can borrow up to 5 books for 15 days provided that the name is on the list of approved students sent to the Library from the International Cooperation Office at the beginning of each semester. From the reserve collection, you can borrow books in accordance with the length of time the books are lent. These periods are; 3 hours for "A" type books (up to 11.00 the next day if you want to borrow after 16:00), 1 day for "B" type books, 3 days for "C" type books. If it is not reserved by another user; Can extend the time extension for books 2 times. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
c. The researcher in DOSAP can borrow 25 books for 30 days, 2 volumes for 7 days, 2 multimedia sources for 2 days. If it is not reserved by another user; 2 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. He cannot extend the period of the magazines he borrows. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The booking is canceled by the system.
d. The ODTU; Development Foundation, Technopark and Research and Application Center employee can borrow 5 books for 30 days and 2 multimedia resources for 2 days. If it is not reserved by another user; 2 for books, and 1 time for multimedia sources. It can allocate 3 information sources through the system. If he does not borrow the sources of information he has distinguished within 3 days; The reservation is canceled by the system.
e. Academic and expert staff of the universities and public institutions that make the protocol can borrow books with the institution identity card and protocol form. Protocol form; the signature of the library responsible for the institution to which the user belongs, and the certificate containing the institutional custody. The protocol form is renewed three times a year (1 March, 1 July and 1 October). The protocol user can borrow 5 books for 30 days. If it is not reserved by another user, it can extend the time by 1 time. It cannot make bookings for the information resources on other users.
f. 3 books of academic and administrative staff benefiting from the Library through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system; 15 days in Ankara and 30 days outside Ankara. Request for extension of time may be requested for one time. It cannot make bookings for the information resources on other users. You cannot borrow books from multimedia sources and magazines and the Reserve Collection. ODTU academic and administrative staff who are interested in borrowing books from other libraries are obliged to comply with the lending rules of the relevant library.
2) The following rules apply to the borrowing and return of information resources:
a. Members must show their university or institution identity cards when borrowing information resources. Person who lost ID card, Personnel Department; the student must bring a certificate from the Office of Student Affairs. If the members are not ODTU members; they can borrow their sources of information in line with the stated rules provided that they bring documents from the Personnel Department of their institutions.
b. A user with a delayed information source cannot borrow a new information source without renewal of this information source and cannot extend the time extension without paying the delay penalty.
c. The Library reserves the right to request the return of information sources borrowed without waiting for the return date, when it deems necessary. Once the user is informed, it is obligatory within 3 (three) days at the latest of the information source. For information resources that are not returned during the specified period, "Information Resources will not be returned on time, Loss / Loss will be applied in accordance with the rules will be processed".
d. Unclassified journals in the Current Magazine Room, reference books in the Reference Room, Master's and doctoral theses and rare works are not borrowed. Bound magazines, in the absence of electronic access; Academic and administrative staff working in ODTU can be lent to those who are in the status of "additional staff", researchers within the scope of DOSAP, academic staff members who have retired from ODTU and graduate students.
e. In the case of books borrowed for a long time, textbooks in the Reserve Unit, hardcover journals borrowed from the Printed Publications Unit, CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs in case of late delivery, "In case the Information Resources are not returned on time, Rules to be Applied"
f. The information sources obtained by the project sources and registered in the library collection with the project letter are borrowed for one year from the instructors who are the project officer / manager. If necessary, extension is done 2 (two) times for one year.
g. A warning note is sent by the system to the e-mail address of the institution's name extension before the date of return of the information sources borrowed. However, the library belongs to the user who follows the date of return of borrowed information sources. The fact that the warning notice sent by the system has not been received for any reason is not accepted as valid reason for not applying delayed sanctions. In the event that the library's information resources are delayed, the procedure will be performed according to "Rules to be applied in case of loss of information resources and loss / damage"
h. For information sources borrowed and not refunded on the day, the system will send 6 reminder e-mails within 3 months. Despite reminders, if the information source is not returned, it will be considered lost and processed according to "Rules to be applied when Information Resources are not Returned on Time, Lost / Damaged".
3) Use of Electronic Resources
a. Only ODTU faculty, administrative staff, students and users with ODTU e-mail user name and password can access the electronic resources from inside and outside the campus.
b. A large number of publications cannot be copied, or systematically transmitted to personal computers or external memories, from databases using robots and similar software.
c. Some or all of the articles, books, theses and similar documents copied from the databases cannot be distributed via data storage media or e-mail lists and cannot be sent to persons or institutions outside the University.
d. Legal action is taken against the user who does not comply with the above rules.
If the print does not go on * |
If the print is in progress |
Information Source Type |
1 - 7 days |
After the 8th day / hold |
Per hour |
Foreign Language |
Turkish |
The final press must be provided and delivered to the Library. If not possible Current price + overdue payment |
Books |
General Collection |
0,30 TL |
0,60 TL |
150 USD + overdue payment |
180 TL + overdue payment |
short-term (reserved) |
0,60 TL |
Periodicals |
0,60 TL |
0,60 TL |
300 USD + overdue payment |
180 TL + overdue payment |
Multimedia Resources (Multimedia) |
0,30 TL |
0,60 TL |
DVD 37 USD + overdue payment |
DVD 45 TL + overdue payment |
CD/VCD 15 USD +overdue payment |
CD/VCD 15 TL+ overdue payment |
Tablet PC’s |
5,00 TL |
The current value of loaned Tablet PCs will be charged. |
Charge adapter (borrowed if necessary): $ 30 |
Personal study halls |
3,00 TL |
*The current value of information sources is searched by the Selection and Evaluation Commission of the Library and Documentation Department. The value found is collected. If any value cannot be determined, the determined amounts are collected.