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Feedback & Suggestion Policy

ODTÜ Library’s main aim is to provide high quality service for the users. If you think that our service is not sufficient for the expected standards or established quality policies, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: report your complaint to the staff and help them realize the problem

Step 2: If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint has been dealt with, you can contact the head of the section related to your problem. This information is available on our  web page.

Step 3: If you are still unsatisfied, you can fill in Feedback and Suggestions form on our web page or Suggestions Print Form which is available near the PC terminals at the Entrance and Reserve Desk in the library. We will usually try to deal with your complaints within 24hrs.

Step 4: For your notifications that were not resolved in the first three steps, you can send your notification directly to the University via the METU Secretary General Satisfaction and Improvement Form.