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Departments & Staff

ODTU library aims to support the academic studies at the university, to provide the information needs of academic/administrative staff and students, to collaborate with the other national/universal institutions.
In this context, the main duties and responsibilities of the Electronic Resources Department are stated below.

  • To evaluate the electronic resource requests of METU members and examine the appropriate resources within the scope of trial access, and to report by making content and evaluation analysis.
  • To carry out the necessary processes for the e-resources decided to be subscribed and make the resources accessible to users.
  • To maintain the continuity of all electronic resources access in the collection and to solve access problems 
  • To evaluate and report usage statistics of subscribed/purchased e-resources     
  • To promote e-resources and plan promotional activities, training meetings, and webinars to increase the use of e-resources. 
  • To provide trainings within the scope of in-service trainings and internship programs  
  • To carry out budgeting and payment processes of electronic resources          

The department is on the first floor in the library.

You can ask your questions to ekaynak@metu.edu.tr address and/or call the number (+90 312) 210 27 86/ 210 27 98.

Information Technologies Department is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining the automated information technologies within the library, thus playing a crucial support role for the other library departments.

Please call (+90.312)210 27 96 or send an e-mail for you questions.

Quality Management Department is responsible for the settings and continuity of Qualify Management and Information Security Management Systems in the library in line with ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 standards.

The businesses being leaded in the department;

-          To provide the documents required by Quality Management System,

-          To observe the performance and objectives of the library,

-          To evaluate and do the required improvements,

-          To collaborate with executives to work for the quality,

-          To raise an awareness about quality for the personnel,

-          To obtain the wishes and complaints from the users and the personnel, and to find solutions,

-          To plan and process internal checks,

You can ask your questions via the phone number (+90.312)210 27 81 and/or send an e-mail.

 ODTU library aims to support the academic studies at the university, to provide the information needs of academic/administrative staff and students, to collaborate with the other national/universal institutions.

Below are the basic rules and the responsibilities of the department. 

-          To update the website of the library,

-          To deliver some important announcements needed to be known by users,

-          To manage the content in the social media sites which the library is in,

-          To plan the library tours and to advertise the library on ODTU promotion days,

-          To provide advertisement brochures and visual materials

-          To accept the internship applications and programs

You can ask your questions via the phone number (+90.312)210 71 88 and/or send an e-mail.

The department is on the ground floor in the library.

The borrowing and loaning processes of the books, which are on the first, second and third floor, are done by Long Loan Banks.

Below are the basic rules and the responsibilities of the department.

Long loan Services: The service that borrows for a long time. Besides, new user area, time extension, membership, breaking off, and protocol procedures are leaded in this service.

You can ask your questions via the phone number (+90.312)210 27 85 and/or send an e-mail.

 Short Loan Services: Academic/administrative staff and students of the Middle East Technical University may borrow materials from the Reserve Collection according to the type and the loan period of the source. According to the book adding/removing form which academic staff fills, books may be either added to or removed from the collection.

You can ask your questions via the phone number (+90.312)210 27 84 and/or send an e-mail.

Inter-Library Lending Service:  Inter-library lending service is a service provided to support the academic work. In this way, users can benefit from resources of other libraries.

Inter-Institutional Lending Service: Inter-Institutional Lending Service is a service provided to support the academic studies in the collaboration of ODTU library and public/private institutions.

Lost Book Procedures: In the event of loss of or damage to information resources, users are required to apply to the Circulation Desk itself as soon as possible.

Carrel: Carrel is lent for three hours from Circulation desk

Kiosk Machine: Users can borrow and return the books by themselves.

ODTU library aims to support the academic studies at the university, to provide the information needs of academic/administrative staff and students, to collaborate with the other national/universal institutions.

Below are the basic rules and the responsibilities of the department. 

Access to the Information: The department is responsible of organizing the halls, collecting to table tops, putting in books correctly and properly placing for library users to reach the books easily.

Store Books: The department is responsible for providing the books that the users need. Please click to get more information.

Lost Books: The books which are in the collection but cannot be found by the users are searched by a handheld terminal and the users are informed.

Volume processing: To define the physically damaged books and to make them usable after doing necessary processes.

Rare Collections: To prepare an atmosphere to use the rare collection.

Information: To help the users find the books they look for and answer their questions.

Besides, to answer questions from readers, identifying books which are worn or damaged for the necessary procedures ensure the performance, make necessary steps to books which cannot be found on the shelves and bring books from stacks when requests are comes.

Please call (+90 312) 210 27 87 ( for head of department) or send an e-mail for your questions.

The Library aims to support University's academic programs, meet information needs of the academic & administrative staff and students of the University, and to cooperate with the other institutions at the national and international level.

Statistics, maps, dictionaries, handbooks, bibliographic & biographic resources, guides, encyclopedias, standards, almanacs, anthologies, etc. are offered to the service at Reference Department.

Ensuring effective use of information resources face-to-face, by phone or e-mail, arranging user trainings, preparing guides for users, and giving temporary password for PCs in the Library to guests are handled by Reference Department.

Please call (+90.312) 210 27 93 or send an e-mail for your inquiries.

The Library aims to support University's academic programs, meet the information needs of its academic, administrative staff and students, and cooperate with the other institutions at the national and international level.

In accordance with this aim, the Acquisitions & Cataloguing Department is responsible for collection development and management.

Cataloging-Classification: To carry out the cataloging and classification of printed books, audio-visual sources, theses and electronic books provided by purchasing or donating to the library.

Technical Operations: Complete the remaining operations of the information sources that have been cataloged before leaving the shelves. Send an e-mail to the user that the source of the information resource is included in the collection.

New Arrivals Service (New Arrivals)

Donation Books: To carry out the selection, evaluation and cataloging of information resources donated by individual institutions in line with the principles of collection development.

Electronic Books: Loading MARC records of e-books subscribed and / or purchased into the library automation system.

Book Awards: In line with the criteria determined by the ODTU Rectorate; Publishing awards, preparing the list of books to be used for the lecturers' upgrade and assignment procedures, performing the checks from the lists announced by the Rectorate by applications and calculating amount of the reward to be given to the book made by the ODTU Development Foundation.

Lost Book Control: To provide print / price controls on the market of books lost by the user and to carry out necessary operations on lost and / or newly provided books.

Thesis Submission: To check and submit the electronic and printed copies of Master and PhD thesis prepared and approved in ODTU.

Information: Responsible for consultation / informational inquiries within the Provisioning and Cataloging Unit duties and responsibilities.

Please send an e-mail or call (+90.312) 210 27 90 / (+90.312) 210 27 83 for your questions about the Library Catalog, acquisitions, and cataloging.

ODTÜ library aims to support the academic studies at the university, to provide the information needs of academic/administrative staff and students, to collaborate with the other national/universal institutions.

Below are the basic rules and the responsibilities of the department.

• To create a budget planning.

• To conduct procurement procedures for publications planned to be taken in the library.

• To prepare contract specifications, administrative specifications and technical specifications for publications to be tendered at EKAP.

• To conduct market price inquiries and requests for direct procurement.

• To execute the EKAP part of the purchases.

• To create examination and admission committee of the publications delivered to the library.

• To prepare a file both for payment to the company and for purchases of publications and services that are purchased.

• To provide pro forma and original invoice for authorization documents for foreign purchases and the translation of the authorization document and to get notary public approval of the translation.

• To open a loan for overseas payments and to ensure that the loan is closed after the payment.

•To prepare a year-end report.

The library aims to support the academic programs of the University, to meet the information needs of the academic and administrative staff, and students, to cooperate with other institutions at national and international level as well.

In this regard, the basic duties and responsibilities of the Chattels Registration Department are stated below

  • To carry out the registration and transactions procedures in accordance with the Portable Goods Regulation.
  • To take delivery of examined and accepted chattels obtained from expenditure unit by counting, weighing, measuring them according to their type and quality and to keep chattels which are not used directly or opened to the usage in the responsible warehouses under an organized and classified condition.
  • To deliver chattels considered to be appropriate for usage to the related department.
  • To provide or take necessary precautions to protect the chattels against fire, wetting, deterioration, being stolen and similar dangers.
  • To make warehouse counting and inventory control.
  • To check chattels which are in use at the place where they are in use and count them or get them counted.
  • To arrange shipment documents of goods and materials to be shipped from the warehouse.
  • To do the work which are given by the spending authority or other authorities.


The library aims to support the academic programs of the University, to meet the information needs of the academic and administrative staff, and students, to cooperate with other institutions at national and international level as well.

In this regard, the basic duties and responsibilities of the Building Supervisor are stated below;

• To provide general cleaning and door security of the library.

• To communicate with the internal and external units of the library for renovation and maintenance of works and to provide cooperation with them.

• To inspect cleaning staff.

•To inspect user rooms and ensure proper use of them.

• To receive deliveries of forgotten items in the library and to hang them over to the real owner.

•To create, plan and put into service usage plans of exhibition and cinema halls of Solmaz İzdemir Conference and Furuzan Olşen.

• To carry out the proceedings of the book exhibition and student tables to be opened in front of the library.

The Library aims to support the academic programs of the University, meet the information needs of academic and administrative staff and students, and cooperate with other institutions at national and international levels.

In this context, the main duties and responsibilities of the Open Access and Institutional Archive Department are as follows:

Digital Collection: It aims to store and provide access to audio visual materials of METU in METU Library Digital collection in accordance with copyrights.

Open Access: Within the Open Access and Institutional Archive (OAIA) system, the aim is to compile the scientific and intellectual knowledge produced by the university and its students, to ensure the continuity of access and to share it with the large masses.

The department is on the first floor in the library.

If you have any questions, please call (+90.312) 210 36 19 or you can contact us by e-mail.

Name Title Phone E-Mail
Cevat Güven Director 2102782 guvenc[at]metu.edu.tr
Nihal Selçuk Yüce Lecturer 2102781 nsyuce[at]metu.edu.tr
Gazi Ceren Department Manager D./ Purchasing & Accounting / Building Administration 2102788 gceren[at]metu.edu.tr
Şuayip Akpınar Chief / Chattels Registration 2102794 suayip[at]metu.edu.tr
Mehtap Sertkaya Sürücü Computer Operator / Secretary 2102780 semehtap[at]metu.edu.tr

Outreach & Communication Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Kevser Eray Tutucu Librarian / Head of Department 2107188 erayt[at]metu.edu.tr
Dr. Selda Ekici Lecturer 2107188 sekici[at]metu.edu.tr

Quality Management Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
İdil Aker Lecturer/Quality Management Representative 2102791 aker[at]metu.edu.tr

Open Access and Institutional Archive Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Barina Utkan Department Manager 2103619 utkanb[at]metu.edu.tr
Gönül Arslan Lecturer 2103619 agonul[at]metu.edu.tr
Duygu Tatar Librarian 2103619 tduygu[at]metu.edu.tr


Information Technologies Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Köksal Yücesoy Research Assistant/Head of Department 2102796 yucesoy[at]metu.edu.tr

Acquisitions & Cataloguing Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Didem Ardanuç Lecturer/Head of Department 2103618 ardanuc[at]metu.edu.tr
Şemsa Olşen Güzeldere Lecturer 2102790 semsa[at]metu.edu.tr
Dilek Rendeci Lecturer 2102790 rendeci[at]metu.edu.tr
Handan Kılıç Librarian 2102783 handan[at]metu.edu.tr
Onur Atlı Librarian 2102783 onuratli[at]metu.edu.tr
Sercan Çoban Librarian 2102790 scoban[at]metu.edu.tr
Fikri Tunç Librarian 2102790 ftunc[at]metu.edu.tr
Ferhat Çalışkan Computer Operator-Off Duty 2102790 ferhatc[at]metu.edu.tr


Circulation Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Gökçe Karadeniz Librarian/Head of Department 2103624 kagokce[at]metu.edu.tr

Circulation Department (Long Loan)
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Sibel Eser Office Support Staff 2102785 seser[at]metu.edu.tr
Ali Özcan Librarian 2102785 aozcan[at]metu.edu.tr
Belgin Evcimen Computer Operator 2102785 bevcimen[at]metu.edu.tr
Öznur Büyükkartal Librarian- Secondment 2103624 boznur[at]metu.edu.tr
Oğuz Ünsal Librarian 2102785 ounsal[at]metu.edu.tr

Circulation Department (Short Loan)
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Tuğba Kanbay Computer Operator 2102784 canyurt[at]metu.edu.tr
Nursal Aydıncılar Librarian   2102784 nursal[at]metu.edu.tr

Circulation Department (Interlibrary Loan ILL)
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Oğuz Ünsal Librarian 2102785 ill[at]metu.edu.tr
Tuğba Kanbay Computer Operator 2102784 ill[at]metu.edu.tr

E-Resources Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Üstün Berk Sezgin Lecturer/Head of Department 2102786 sezginb[at]metu.edu.tr
Gülden Toker Librarian 2102798 gtoker[at]metu.edu.tr
Halil Kıpçak Lecturer 2102786 hkipcak[at]metu.edu.tr
Bahar Erkan Turgut Librarian 2102786 ebahar[at]metu.edu.tr
Dr. Hacer Özen Lecturer 2102798 hbati[at]metu.edu.tr
Tülün Özçelik Librarian 2102798 tozcelik[at]metu.edu.tr

Reference Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Hale Uysal Research Assistant/Head of Department 2102793 hale[at]metu.edu.tr

Collection Management Department
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Şakir Gürel Computer Operator 2102797 sgurel[at]metu.edu.tr
Kenan Aktaş Deputy of Technician 2107184 akenan[at]metu.edu.tr
Özgül Öztürk Computer Operator 2102797 ozozturk[at]metu.edu.tr
Zeliha Özer Computer Operator-Off Duty 2107184 zozer[at]metu.edu.tr
Halim Tarcan Computer Operator 2102797 htarcan[at]metu.edu.tr
Umut Refik Turhan Computer Operator 2102797 umutt[at]metu.edu.tr
Ahmet Başer Office Support Staff 2102787 abaser[at]metu.edu.tr

European Documentation Center
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Sadiye Lallı Uncu Lecturer 2103629 edc[at]metu.edu.tr

Muhan Soysal Library
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Nevide Biçer Lecturer 2103052 nevide[at]metu.edu.tr

Building Administration
Name Title Phone E-Mail
Gazi Ceren Department Manager D. 2102788 gceren[at]metu.edu.tr
Şükrü Taştepe Computer Operator / Building Administrator 2107184 stastepe[at]metu.edu.tr
Bünyamin Erbay Routing & Document Staff 2102792 berbay[at]metu.edu.tr
Rahmi Bilgin Support Staff for Night 2102784 rbilgin[at]metu.edu.tr
Cansu Koçak Support Staff 2108744 ckocak[at]metu.edu.tr
Furkan Fırat Support Staff 2102797 furkanf[at]metu.edu.tr
Mehmet Ergüven Support Staff 2102797 merguven[at]metu.edu.tr
Mevlüt Sürücü Support Staff 2102792 mevluts[at]metu.edu.tr
Murat Yıldırım Support Staff 2108744 muratyil[at]metu.edu.tr
Numan Emre Öztiryaki Support Staff 2102787 emreozt[at]metu.edu.tr
Zarife Çalışkan Support Staff 2108744 zarife[at]metu.edu.tr