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Article/Book Supply Service(ILL)

Universities or Research Institutions which are the member of KITS (Interlibrary Loan Tracking System) can provide service to article/book for their staff.

Article/Book requests must be made by ILL librarians only.

METU Library provides article supply service to full-time staff of the other universities and institutions.

  • Universities or Research Institutions which are the member of KITS (Interlibrary Loan Tracking System) wants maximum 25 books.
  • Maximum 5 articles may be requested for each person per day.
  • Only the article requests made through the KITS (Interlibrary Loan Tracking System) are met.
  • Before making an article request, please check the library catalogue and be sure that the volume and issue of the periodical is available in the library collection.
  • Article information must be accurate and periodical titles must be written in full. Article requests with any missing or wrong information are not met. The links below are recommended for the full titles of periodicals. 

Science and Engineering Journal Abbreviations

  • Articles are sent to the library which made the request, by e-mail.

Article Supply Service for METU Academic Staff

The Library provides article supply service to full-time academic staff of the Middle East Technical University from the other University Libraries in Turkey.

• Before making an article request, please check the library catalogue, and E-Journals Search page to be sure that the volume and issue of the periodical is not available in the library collection. 
• The library which has the article in it's collection needs to be determined. 
• The academic staff needs an article from the other universities should send a request to the ILL librarian by e-mail
• Article information must be accurate and periodical titles must be written in full. Article requests with any missing or wrong information are not met. The links below are recommended for the full titles of periodicals. 

Science and Engineering Journal Abbreviations

Please call (+90.312) 210 36 24 or send an e-mail
(ill@metu.edu.tr) for further information.

ODTÜ Library, processes your personal data within "Interlibrary Loan & Document Supply Services" for the purposes specified in the Law. You can reach the related  clarification text via the link below.

KVKK Clarification Text