Institution Libraries request 5 books for each user.
Due date is 30 days.
New requests must not put in process if the Library (which wants to borrow) has overdue book(s).
Autorized Librarian and Registired Library has responsible to METU Library for any damages that may occur during the use of late returns and losses of the boks (including lost in shipping).
The Library which wants to borrow books from METU Library accepted the changes about user fines and loss of related regulations.
Late return of a library material will incur fine a 30 Kr between 1-7 days, 60 kr after 8 th day per a day.
Fines for delaying of the return of the publication are paid to TC ZIRAAT BANKASI – ODTU SUBESI – IBAN TR75000 1001 537089 8070 05024 and the related receipt should be sent to METU library via e-mail.
Please call (+90.312)210 71 88 or send an e-mail for more information.