Agreement: Springer Nature Read & Publish Agreement
Summary: Within the scope of Springer Nature-TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM Read & Publish Agreement, our university researchers (Corresponding Author) can publish their articles as open access in the Q1 and Q2 group Springer Nature Hybrid Journals in the Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) in the publication types “original article, review article and continuing education” without paying APC (Article Processing Charge).
Agreement Years: 2024-2026
Publication Types: Journals
Eligible Journals: Click here for the journal list.
Article Types: Original article, Review article, Continuing education
Quota Info: There is a “national annual OA article publishing quota” within the scope of the agreement.
Licenses Options: Creative Commons CC-BY and CC-BY-NC
Important Details:
- The author must be the “corresponding author” of the article.
- An institutional e-mail address must be used.
- The name of the institution should be indicated under the name in the publication.
- The publication of the corresponding author whose article is accepted will be queued according to the order of arrival of the publication. In case there is a country quota, TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM will evaluate and approve the compliance of the articles with the criteria.
Useful Information:
Detailed Information: Click here for the Springer Nature Read & Publish Agreement details.