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Reaxys Academic Edition Database

Reaxys Academic Edition  Database will be on trial access until November 8, 2024.

Reaxys  Academic Edition Database covers 16.000 journals, textbooks, and conference abstracts in inorganic and organic chemistry, material science, environmental health, and safety work. It also contains 125 million organic, inorganic, and organometallic compounds, 53 million chemical reactions, and 500 million published experimental elements.

URL: www.reaxys.com

P.S. Create an account at www.reaxys.com  with your institutional e-mail address to use the Reaxys Retrosentez Module.

Please use the VPN (http://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/groups/vpn-serviceservice for remote access.

Please share your comments and suggestions about the database by filling out the form located at http://lib.metu.edu.tr/trial-database-evaluation-form#


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