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American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Read & Publish Agreement

Summary: Within the scope of our library's ASME Journals subscription, our university researchers (Corresponding Author) can publish their articles as open access in ASME Hybrid journals in the types of publications covered by the agreement without paying APC (Article Processing Charge).

Agreement Years: 2025

Eligible JournalsClick here for the journal list.

Article Types: Peer review research articles.

Quota Info: Unlimited

Licenses Options: CC BY 4.0 

Important Details:

  • The agreement covers ASME Open Journal of Engineering and 33 Hybrid Journals.
  • The researcher must be the responsible author of the article.
  • Institutional e-mail address must be used.
  • The author should submit article via ASME's Journal Tool using the university's domain name. This domain name allows correspondence and updates regarding the author's article to be forwarded and also allows the APC to be removed.
  • When the article is accepted, the Journal Tool includes a clear statement indicating whether there is a transformative agreement with the author's university. If there is such an agreement, the author must choose the Open Access option and the fees will be completely removed.
  • There is no additional fees related to this model.
  • Authors don’t pay an article processing fee (APC) when they choose to publish open access.