ODTÜ library aims to support the academic studies at the university, to provide the information needs of academic/administrative staff and students, to collaborate with the other national/universal institutions.
Below are the basic rules and the responsibilities of the department.
• To create a budget planning.
• To conduct procurement procedures for publications planned to be taken in the library.
• To prepare contract specifications, administrative specifications and technical specifications for publications to be tendered at EKAP.
• To conduct market price inquiries and requests for direct procurement.
• To execute the EKAP part of the purchases.
• To create examination and admission committee of the publications delivered to the library.
• To prepare a file both for payment to the company and for purchases of publications and services that are purchased.
• To provide pro forma and original invoice for authorization documents for foreign purchases and the translation of the authorization document and to get notary public approval of the translation.
• To open a loan for overseas payments and to ensure that the loan is closed after the payment.
•To prepare a year-end report.