Social Media: With the introduction of Web 2.0 to the user service, it is a media system that provides access to two-way and simultaneous information sharing instead of one-way information sharing. Besides, social media is a mobile-based human communication system in which people share and discuss with each other on the internet without any space and time limitations.
Library: ODTÜ Head Office of Library and Documentation
KIB: Corporate Communication Unit
User: Persons registered to the automation system of ODTU Library
The rules for the content to be shared via the library's social media accounts are determined by this policy.
Announcements of interest to users include information about innovations /changes in library services, working hours, new subscriptions, publication purchases, the visual content of special occasions, videos, and etc.
- Library social media accounts are managed by the KIB on behalf of the library.
- These content-managed accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest) are official accounts of the library, and related links can be found on the web page.
- Images and videos shared in the accounts are designed by KIB (with the help of part-time students and METU Graphic Design Unit).
- The visuals not designed by us are used with the permission of the owner.
General Principles
ODTÜ Library;
- Respects copyright.
- Does not share the content designed by others without permission of the owners.
- Treats all its users and followers equally.
- Does not share unconfirmed content.
- Does not share users' information under the Law on Protection of Personal Data Act.
- Is neutral (Does not discriminate based on language, ethnicity, religion and belief).
- Does not share political content
- Does not use ads in account content.
- Does not delete positive or negative comments (such as blasphemy, insults, etc.) made for the posts.
- Responds to questions addressed via social media.
- Is against censorship.
- Reserves the right to change or update its content.
- User login addresses and passwords of social media accounts are available to the personnel of KIB.
- Accepts no responsibility for the comments written by third parties under the posts.
- Provides the contents and visuals made by the library to the use and sharing of people in accordance with Creative Commons and open access principles, provided that the bibliography is specified and the visuals are not changed.
The current policy is reviewed and updated as necessary by the person(s) in charge of content and design management at the beginning of each academic year.