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Borrowing Services

  • Academic staff and PhD students can borrow 25 books for 30 days,
  • Master's students can borrow 20 books for 30 days,
  • Undergraduate students can borrow 15 books for 15 days;
  • Administrative staff can borrow 15 books for 30 days,
  • Retired academic staff can borrow 15 books for 30 days, and
  • Retired administrative staff can borrow 5 books for 30 days.
  • Special students and Alumni can't borrow books.
  • METU students and members can enter their accounts by using their METUMail username and password by using “View Your Account” section in the center of the web page, you can also enter by clicking on “My Account” link on the right-hand side of the Library Catalog. Users who borrow books from our library with protocol can enter their accounts with their name, surname,and Republic of Turkey ID No.
  • Late return of a long loan material will incur fine a 30 Kr between 1-7 days, 60 kr after 8 th day.
  • Users can pay their books' fine by use of online payment.
  • Users can renew the due date. Please see the Renew Guide for details.
  • Users can hold books which borrowed by another user. Please see the Hold Guide for details.
  • You can borrow and return the books from Kiosks by yourself.

In the event of loss of or damage to information resources, users are required to apply to the Circulation Desk itself as soon as possible.

You can see borrowing rules as table.

Rules for overdue, lost / damage to information sources.

Please send an e-mail to Circulation Department or call (+90.312)210 27 85 / (+90.312)210 27 68 for your questions and suggestions.

• Academic/administrative staff and students of the Middle East Technical University may borrow materials from the Reserve Collection according to the type and the loan period of the source.

       - Type "A" books are lent for 3 hours and overnight after 04:00 pm;

       - Type "B" books are lent for overnight; 

       - Type "C" books are lent for 3 days;

       - Braille Display device for visually-impaired users is lent for 1 week.

• A maximum of 2 items are lent.
• Due dates are not renewed.
• Reserve items must be returned to the Reserve Desk.
• Late return of a Reserve material will incur a 60 Kr fine per hour (14.4 TL fine per day).

For overdue, lost / damage to Reserve sources, the procedure will be performed according to "Rules to be applied in case of loss of information resources and loss / damage"

Users can pay their books' fine by use of credit card, smart card or online payment.

• Reserve materials borrowed by a user cannot be reserved by another user

You can see borrowing rules as table.

The Reserves Request Form may only be used by ODTÜ academic personnel.

The book which is wanted by academic staff from Bookstore to used in the course conrolled by the system, if it is not in our collection it is  buying 1 copy for 50 students and put shelves on the Reserve Hall.

Please send an 
e-mail to Circulation Department or call (+90.312)210 27 84 / (+90.312)210 36 24 for your questions and suggestions.

Middle East Technical University, full-time academic staff may borrow books from the universitiy libraries that given below, according to the protocol that signed each other.

Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
 Çankaya  University
TENMAK (Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency)
Ankara University
Gazi University
THK  University
Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration
tılım University
Hacettepe University
Turkish Court of Accounts
Başkent University
Social Sciences University of Ankara

Bilkent University
TED  University

You can see instutions the protocol signed as table. 

Protocol transactions are made ONLY between working hours (08.45-17.15) on weekdays.

Borrowers' Responsibilities:

·         Journals, reference sources, rare books, short term loan books, special collections and audio-visual materials may not be borrowed.

·         The protocol form must be submitted to the library which will be borrowed from, within 10 days of its being taken from METU Library.

·         The protocol form must be renewed 3 times - March 1st, July 1st, October 1st - a year.

·         Borrowers are responsible for the safe and timely return of materials to the lending library.

·         Borrowers are responsible for returning materials to the library from which they were borrowed.

·         The Borrower, and not ODTÜ Library, is responsible for any and all fines and other charges incurred.

Please send an e-mail to Circulation Department or call (+90.312)210 27 85 / (+90.312)210 36 24 for your questions and suggestions.

Inter-library lending service, is a service provided to support the academic work. In this way, users can benefit from resources of other libraries.

ILL transactions are made ONLY between working hours (08.45-17.15) on weekdays.

Please call (+90.312)210 27 85 or send an e-mail for more information.

**ILL requests must be made by ILL librarians only.

Current periodicals cannot be borrowed.

Bound periodicals can be borrowed only by METU academic staff. At most, two bound periodicals can be borrowed for one week period.

Please call (+90.312)210 27 86 / 210 27 98 or send an e-mail for more information.

The books in reference collection, standards, master theses and dissertations are not lent. This collection is for in-library use only and photocopy can be taken from these resources.

Please send an e-mail to Reference Department or call (+90.312)210 27 93 for your questions and suggestions.

There are 24 carrels on the Block A in the Library. The carrels from number 1 to 8 are located on the 1st floor, from number 9 to 16 are located on the 2nd floor, and from number 17 to 24 are located on the 3rd floor.

• METU academic staff, PhD and master's students can borrow carrels with their METU ID card.

•  Carrels can be borrowed for 3 hours from Circulation Desk. Returns must be done to Desk. If they are not given back  within the preseribte time users are fined with 3 TL per hour.

• If there is not a user waiting for a carel renewal can be done

• Carrel keys must be returned maximum 15 minutes before the closing time of the library.

• Carrels are not for group work, therefore only one person can use a carrel at a time.

• Phone calls, food and beverages are prohibited in the carrels.

• Unborrowed library items should not be left in the carrels.

For any enquires and suggestions. Please send an e-mail to Circulation Department or call (+90.312)210 27 85 / (+90.312)210 36 24