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Infobase Databases

Duyurular: İnfobase Veritabanı Deneme Erişimine Açılmıştır! | ADYÜ

Infobase 4 databases will be on trial access until December 13, 2020.

Films On Demand contains more than 25.000 videos on various topics such as art, biology, business, education, health, law, political science, and psychology.

Health Reference Center provides access to many articles from the books and journals in the fields of  body systems, disease, health and health issues, and nutrition.

World News Digest contains historical and current topics from 1940 to the present. It also includes newsletters.

Writer’s Reference Center is a database that provides necessary tools for effective research and writing article by guiding in subjects such as writing, grammar mechanics, and style.

URL: https://online.infobaselearning.com/Default.aspx

Please see username and password below to access out of campus.

Username: middleeasttech

Password: media

Please use VPN (http://faq.cc.metu.edu.tr/groups/vpn-service) service for remote access.

Please share your comments and suggestions about the database by filling out the form located at http://lib.metu.edu.tr/trial-database-evaluation-form#


1. Systematic or substantial printing, copying or downloading is forbidden due to the licence agreements. Improper use of any databases will be resulted with cancellation of the access. Please obey the copyright law.

2. Please copy URL link at Internet browser if it doesn’t work.