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Long Loan

  • Academic staff and PhD students can borrow 25 books for 30 days,
  • Master's students can borrow 20 books for 30 days,
  • Undergraduate students can borrow 15 books for 15 days;
  • Administrative staff can borrow 15 books for 30 days,
  • Retired academic staff can borrow 15 books for 30 days, and
  • Retired administrative staff can borrow 5 books for 30 days.
  • Special students and Alumni can't borrow books.
  • METU students and members can enter their accounts by using their METUMail username and password by using “View Your Account” section in the center of the web page, you can also enter by clicking on “My Account” link on the right-hand side of the Library Catalog. Users who borrow books from our library with protocol can enter their accounts with their name, surname,and Republic of Turkey ID No.
  • Late return of a long loan material will incur fine a 30 Kr between 1-7 days, 60 kr after 8 th day.
  • Users can pay their books' fine by use of online payment.
  • Users can renew the due date. Please see the Renew Guide for details.
  • Users can hold books which borrowed by another user. Please see the Hold Guide for details.
  • You can borrow and return the books from Kiosks by yourself.

In the event of loss of or damage to information resources, users are required to apply to the Circulation Desk itself as soon as possible.

You can see borrowing rules as table.

Rules for overdue, lost / damage to information sources.

Please send an e-mail to Circulation Department or call (+90.312)210 27 85 / (+90.312)210 27 68 for your questions and suggestions.